Case Studies

Personas - Land InSight

Desk Study
Digital Twin

User groups who could benefit from using environmental digital twins.

Personas for Land InSight BGS


The Land InSight project investigated the benefits of environmental digital twins for diverse users. This case study details the creation of user personas to clearly communicate the needs and goals of potential users to the project team.

Methods and Tools Used

  • Personas: Personas are fictional characters created to represent different user types for a product, service, or website. They are based on research and data about real users.
  • Desk Study: Collection and analysis of existing information, such as reports, user research findings, and academic papers, to gain insights and understanding of user groups who could benefit from environmental digital twins.

Persona Inspiration

Personas for Land Insight

Image Developers, solution-innovators, researchers and advisers

Image Organisations that rely on the environments for their operations

These are just two examples of the personas created for the Land InSight project. A more comprehensive list of personas can be found below.