About the Co-Creation Toolkit

This toolkit provides the resources and guidance you need to create user-friendly environmental data services. Explore case studies, access UX templates, and learn how co-design can help you collaborate with users and build effective solutions.

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What is Co-Creation?

Co-Creation is an approach where stakeholders involved in using a product or service collaborate to create or define it. This ensures the final result is tailored to their needs and easy to use.

Shared Ownership

Everyone involved in the project, including users, stakeholders, and designers, shares responsibility for the design process and its outcomes.

Active Participation

Users and stakeholders actively contribute their knowledge, experiences, and perspectives throughout the entire design process.

Open Communication

Open and honest communication is essential, fostering a safe space for sharing ideas, feedback, and concerns.

Iterative Process

Co-design is not a linear process; it involves continuous cycles of prototyping, testing, and refining solutions based on user feedback.

Why did we create this toolkit?

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Project Partners

Asked Questions

This toolkit is designed for anyone involved in creating environmental data services and products, including researchers, developers, designers, and project managers.